الجمعة 20 سبتمبر 2024

Box Clever – coping with box rest

موقع أيام نيوز

period every day which can be a challenge!
Remember to ALWAYS wear a properly secured hard hat gloves and suitable boots for inhand exercise and preferably a bridle for your horse. If the horse is known to be especially tricky chat to your vet about some mild sedation for the initial stages. Decide on the best time of day for minimal distractions and then try to stick to it that way it will form a part of your horses daily routine and he is more likely to be calm.
The exact rehabilitation programme will largely depend on the type of injury and the original reason for box rest but your vet will guide you. In some cases it is preferable to begin ridden work before turnout in others reintroduction to time in the paddock may be advised. Remember the more time allowed to rehabilitate your horse and get his fitness back then the more successful the longterm outcome is likely to be.