الجمعة 20 سبتمبر 2024

How to Make Your Horse Training Time Count

موقع أيام نيوز

reflective of a partnership not a solo sport. And while we are on the topic of goal setting...
Your practice goal determines your focus for the day. And how do you determine what a practice goal may be? Well that depends.  Have you done your goal setting work for the season?
Lets assume you are the dedicated rider and you have in fact completed your planning. What you should have are a set of dream goals broken down into long term goals broken down into short term goals. Whew! But it doesnt end there. At the bottom of this tree are your practice goals the smallest link in the chain which may be something as simple as today I will work at holding by body position more consistently. Who would know this itsy bitsy focus could relate to being a grand prix rider? This is where many people fall down in their goal setting efforts. They know where they want to go they just havent looked into drawing a map to get there a really detailed one. Another great thing about using such detail is how possible your dreams will seem. No longer are they the stuff of fairytales or reserved for other people somehow more special than you. Practice goals have a very equalizing quality