الجمعة 20 سبتمبر 2024

Ride with Balance, Flexibility & Strength

موقع أيام نيوز

begin to deteriorate relating to osteoarthritis. Joint destabilization in the lateral plane over the joint can cause side to side stress in the joint as can similar muscle imbalances of strength andor flexibility. If we combine any of these scenarios with the repetitive concussive forces the body sustains during riding we could be in trouble. 
Lets say for example a rider has tight inner thigh muscles. The muscles of the inner thigh lie over the horses back in such a way that if they are too tight they will not be able to get down around the horses body properly. This will restrict or block the natural flow of energy that runs from the hind legs through the horses back and to the bridle which should create contact. The horse will likely respond by lifting its head in the air and dropping its shoulder and back. The horse may very well soldier on in spite of the rider and attempt to do what the rider is asking for or it may present one of any number of signs of disobedience such as refusing to go forward rearing bucking or even spooking. A picture of a happy horse this does not make! But if the rider would spend some time stretching the inner thigh this problem would likely disappear. If you can develop the correct strengthtoflexibility ratio you will naturally flow more easily with your equine partner. Having a healthy and wellfunctioning body is the best way to create a happy horse!