الجمعة 20 سبتمبر 2024

Cleaning Your Horse's Hooves

موقع أيام نيوز

How to Clean a Hoof

  1. Start picking out your horse’s hooves by having it tied safely. Crossties may be safer because they keep you away from posts and walls you could get knocked into if your horse acts up. Most people start on the front near side.
  2. Your horse should be taught to lift its foot willingly. There are several ways to cue the horse. Some people tap on the chestnut. Some may twist or pull up on the chestnut, but that shouldn't be necessary. Others pinch lightly just above the pastern joint, along the tendon at the back. The horse should pick its foot up, allowing you to support the hoof in one hand—usually, the left if you’re right-handed. The other hand handles the hoof pick.
  3. Use the hoof pick to clear out dirt, matted hay or straw, manure, and any other debris. Work from heel to toe, paying careful attention to the cleft around the frog. A stiff brush, which some hoof picks have attached, is nice for brushing away the bits of dirt and chaff. You might like an illuminated hoof pick for getting a good look at the nooks and crannies that are hard to see if the light isn’t good. Clean off the sole, and pick gently around the area of the hoof just to the inside of the hoof wall. This is the white line, and you don’t want to jab into this area, as it’s a bit softer than the rest of the hoof. But this can be an entry point for things like grit and small stones, which can lead to seedy toe or white line disease. 2The frog also is softer and more sensitive, so be careful not to pick too aggressively in this area.