الجمعة 20 سبتمبر 2024

Why Your Horse Is Tossing Its Head

موقع أيام نيوز
  •  is trying to avoid it? Some horses might object to the taste of certain metals or the weight or shape of a bit. Try different bits to see if there is one your horse accepts without the head tossing
  • Insects: Some horses toss their heads because they get frantic about insects around their ears. This can be a big problem on trail rides with a horse trying to rid itself of annoying bugs. Consider using ear covers and insect repellent. Some horses go absolutely loopy about biting bugs, so try to ride when insects are less prevalent or ride indoors. For some horses, the head shaking problem might not go away completely until cooler weather, when the bugs are gone.
  • Saddle fit: An improperly fitted saddle that is pinching your horse's back can cause a number of unwanted behaviors, including head tossing. Saddle fit is a very common reason for "bad" behavior. Check your saddle and how it fits your horse periodically, as the fit of your saddle can change over time.
  • Improper rein aids: Often horses toss their heads in response to the rider mishandling the reins. The first thing a rider needs to learn is how to have light, sympathetic hands that follow the movement of the horse, while still maintaining enough contact to control the horse. This is probably the most common reason for head tossing, and the solution is to take a few lessons with an instructor who can help the rider learn to have a soft, dynamic connection with the horse's mouth. Heavy hands in conjunction with a harsh bit can cause some horses to throw their heads violently. Some horses may have to be re-schooled so they trust the rider not to hurt their mouths.