Horse Colic - Causes and Recovery
able to leave the stomach. Most mammals that overeat are able to vomit to relieve the pressure of a full stomach but due to the anatomy of the equine soft palate and epiglottis vomiting is usually not possible for the horse. Stomach rupture can occur in rare circumstances where the stomach contents cannot move further into the digestive tract.
The impact of parasites on equine health is not as significant as it was before the development of inexpensive and easily used deworming preparations. Bot fly larvae spend part of their life attached to the lining of the stomach where a light infestation usually does not significantly affect the horses health. Heavier parasite loads sometimes cause irritation or ulceration of the stomach and perforation and peritonitis occasionally result. Horses that are not regularly dewormed may support bot larvae in sufficient numbers to block the passage of food out of the stomach and gastric rupture has been reported in such cases.
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