What Is Quality Horse Hay?
Is second cut better than first cut?
Is timothy better than orchard grass?
Are alfalfa mixes better than grass hay?
Is soft hay better than coarse hay?
Is low sugar hay better than regular hay?
These are good questions all with the same answer It depends on the horse youre feeding.
Many horse owners want pretty dark green soft second cut. When asked about their horse they describe an overweight sedentary Quarter Horse. The hay analysis notwithstanding soft hay is usually lower in fibre which means the horse can eat more of it more quickly. This is great for a hardkeeping Thoroughbred but not so great for a fat pony. A hay that is dark green in colour can be high in protein and nutrients but it can also be high in nitrates especially when it is local hay grown in British Columbias Fraser Valley. High nitrates can cause diarrhea in many horses.
First cuts tend to grow for a longer period of time so the plants are more mature with more stalk at the time they are cut and baled. Second cuts contain less mature plants so tend to be softer. Also alfalfa tends to come up stronger in second and subsequent cuts as it prefers dry soils and hot weather.
According to Ashley Griffin M Sc. University of Kentucky Nutrient value largely depends on the age at which the hay was harvested. Early maturity hay is very leafy and has a high nutrient density and palatability. Late maturity hay contains coarse thick stems and fewer leaves than early maturity hay. Hay type should be matched to the horse type. Early maturity hay would be perfect for growing horses and lactating mares but it may not be the best choice for horses with low nutrient requirements. Mid to latematurity hays are best for horses with low nutrient requirements because the horses can eat more to satisfy their appetites without overeating and becoming fat.
Hay testing can provide a great deal information about exactly what your horse is eating. Gone are the days when we had to rely on how hay looked or what was in it now we can tell within about a two percent variance how much protein fibre and energy it has the carbohydrate and moisture levels and with certain kinds of testing we can know mineral content as well. Test results are often surprising and we have