What Is a Sound Horse?
The term soundness or a sound horse does not refer to a horses whinnyit actually refers to the overall health of the animal. A sound horse is one that has no lameness or illness. When purchasing a horse it is a good idea to have a veterinarian check the animals soundness.
Determining Soundness
A sound horse is considered close to perfect. Few horses truly fit this description and if so will only be for a few years of life. This does not mean that a horse that is a little past its peak is no longer a good investment. A horse that is labeled as practically or serviceably sound is capable of regular work for the horses class but may have some health issues 1 It is important to understand horse classes before assessing soundness since what an owner requires from a sound racehorse will be inherently different from a field horse.
Lameness is one of the most common health issues for horses 2 A horse with lameness means that it has difficulty walking. There are degrees of lameness which range from difficult to observe to a complete inability to walk. While lameness can be a sign of trouble in the legs it can also indicate issues in another part of the body. Many common horse ailments can cause lameness in horses. Severe lameness in a horse can be fatal.
Vets will also examine the horse for any hereditary illnesses such as cataracts or bone spavin. These types of hereditary illnesses can limit a horses usefulness when it comes to breeding and reproduction. However these kinds of hereditary issues may matter less to someone in need of a workhorse as opposed to a breeder.
Checking Soundness at Home
While a trained veterinarian is the best person to assess the soundness of a horse there are some